- Shrinking Blob Computes Traveling Salesman Solutions
A blob of “intelligent” goo can compute solutions to one of the most famous problems in mathematics and produces a route map as well, say computer scientists.
The traveling salesman problem is one of the more famous challenges in mathematics. This is the problem of finding the shortest route for visiting a number of cities once and then returning to the place of origin.
- Amazon’s Head of Mobile Interfaces
- Microchip Adapts to Severe Damage
- Are Your Doctor’s Hands Clean? This Wristband Knows
An RFID-reading, motion-sensing wristband buzzes to tell health-care workers if they are washing their hands properly.
A startup called IntelligentM wants to make hospitals healthier by encouraging workers to clean their hands properly. Its solution is a bracelet that vibrates when the wearer has scrubbed sufficiently, giving employees a way to check their habits and letting employers know who is and isn’t doing things right.
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