- Gadgets Could Get Longer Lives by Combining Batteries
Microsoft researchers show that batteries that can be more actively managed by software might make our devices last longer.
Mobile devices such as tablets and smart watches could become quicker to charge and slower to run out of juice thanks to a new approach to designing batteries from Microsoft researchers.
- Martian Life Could Be a Biotech Bonanza
The discovery of briny water on the Martian surface has brought new optimism that life might exist on our neighboring planet.
When NASA scientists announced that instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter sensed signs of liquid water seeping on the Martian surface, they meant a solution salty enough to kill most living things on Earth. Temperatures on Mars are well below zero, so any liquid water would have to be loaded with salt – and probably not ordinary sodium chloride but something nastier—perchlorates, which are used in rocket fuel.
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